
Post 3: Discovering the wonders of sex

Post 3: Discovering the wonders of sex Hi my friends, This Post is a direct continuation of Post 2; please read that one first. And a note of some importance for some possibly picky readers: in all the photos where I show some nudity I was of legal age. As I mentioned in the previous post, I lived with my family in an isolated and small, yet very well-organized and provisioned Mining Camp on the banks of the Caroní River in the Guayana area of Venezuela, specifically in the state of Bolívar, amidst nature. During that time, iron ore mining was already being depleted, and it was known that the camp would be closed and demolished in a few years. Given the breathtaking beauty of the area, known for its 'Tepuis,' the Venezuelan government intended to declare it as Canaima National Park, but not before Iron Mines ceased to find mining in the area profitable. In fact, Canaima National Park was first established in 1962 and expanded in 1975; the camp where I lived, although not

Post 2: Summarizing My Childhood Amidst the Wilderness of Guayana, Venezuela

  Post 2: Summarizing My Childhood Amidst the Wilderness of Guayana, Venezuela   June 27, 2024 Hello dear friends, As I mentioned in Post 1, I was born in Spain in the early 60s, in an industrial city on the shores of the Bay of Biscay, Bilbao, within a family with a strong and ancient maritime tradition, mostly cod fishermen and whale hunters. However, when I was just a four-month-old baby, my parents packed up and moved to the Guayana, in Venezuela. [[   Figure 1. 2. Photo of downtown Bilbao in the 1950s. Photo from the internet.   ]] Some friends of my father who had gone to Venezuela a few years earlier wrote to him, describing it as a huge, unexploited, and unexplored country full of opportunities – which was true at the time. They helped him secure a job on the mineral transport ships for a mining company majority-owned by the USA, the "Iron Mines Company of Venezuela," which was tapping into rich iron ore deposits at Cerro Bolívar. The ore was transporte

Post 1: Introduction to the Blog

  Post 1: Introduction to the Blog June 25, 2024 Hello friends, First of all, given the times of censorship and prudishness we live in, I want to warn you that "this is an adults-only blog," where most of the posts have sexual content and the included photos may show nudity and explicit sex. All the photos are mine, and therefore not subject to copyright. I do not hide my face in any of the photos, although I do hide the faces of other people who may appear in them. With that warning out of the way, let me introduce myself: My name is Aura, and I am a mature woman born in Spain. I live approximately half the year in the southwest of France, where my main residence is, and the other half in Spain, where I have a vacation home on the Costa Blanca, in the southeast, and an apartment in the north, not far from the French border. Since these are two countries in the European Union, I feel at home in both and I am a full citizen in each. I have been married for forty yea